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We all have to remember that the outcome of our political process is serious business which at times is a process of extremes in the most uplifting and the deepest dredges of life today, much of the timeit only achieves mediocrity. A local elected official once explained why he voted with his political opponents 98% of the time by noting that there were only two or three votes in the last couple of years that really allowed opinion to play a part. And people wonder why the average person prefers watching reruns of The Nanny to watching Council meetings. But then, you are not the average person, or you would not be reading this page. Enjoy and realize there is humor in the ether struggling to get out.

Suggest a blog or humorous site addition to list below.

JibJab The Bush - Kerry presentation of "This land is my land" is one of the best things on the net today.
Political Cartoons Free to browse, lots of really great political cartoons. There is a fee if you want to republish a cartoon. Good site.
Political Humor Great Site. Something for everyone. If you don't have a sense of humor in politics, you are likely to wind up like __________ (you fill in the blank). Have your pop-up blockers ready.
Pandagon A fun reading blog. Probably not George W.'s favorite.
Electablog The interview with George Washington makes interesting reading. A blog with Democratic leanings.
Blog Politics In addition to witty (sometimes) dialogue, lots of multimedia links.
LiberalOasis If you can't guess who this blog favors and criticizes, read the tag line "where the left is right and the right is wrong." Still puzzled, you obviously need to read more.
The Drudge Retort As a blog it rates a C-, but the Drudge web site does have lots of news links and no lack of opinions. Not really much fun, but there are moments.
Convention Bloggers Really more of a links for blogs and news than a blog itself. You can find that the news is generated in the hundredths of a second. Who cares?
Kicking Ass Daily dispatches from the DNC. How much more objective can you get?
Tom Burka Opinions you should have, lots of fun and good reading. Also lots of links.
Ungodly Politics My guess is that they will not get a lot of advertising revenue from the RNC.
Skippy George W. probably doesn't read it, but he should.
Daily Kos Anti George and RNC
Free Pie Good use of cartoons. Democrats will laugh more than Republicans.



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